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Ambassador for North Africa. AC… simply loves flags: mostly yours. He likes the unpredictable and he is not scared by tiredness. He is always trying to show you the meaning of a funny word : “smgPOWA”. Keep calm and accept your destiny: it had to happen.



Ac player from ages. He doesn’t remember when he started but it was a looong time ago. Yet he pretends to be yesterday. Still alive and kicking.
He speaks a few languages.



For some people CR7 is the alter ego of the one greatest football players of all the times, but truth is that we don’t know who he really is! Legends say he is a ghost, others say he is a beast whose shadow haunts the maps of assault cube, but he is probably just some bot created by a evil scientist. Love him or hate him, he doesn’t care, he doesn’t know who you are but he will find you and he will kill you. Oh boys!



Ambassador for Asia & Pacific Islands – Hex name is rumored to have several meanings, just like the one of his clan. Can he read and write in hexadecimal, or does he live in a hexagon like a bee? While no one knows that for sure, his sting sure hurt




Ok. Guys here is the problem: your problem. ‘Cause losing is part of the game, we know, but losing against a very young [edit: time passes: she is still young, but not SO young], talented and awesome girl is something you did not expect. And yet this is the reality. The times they are a changing and we are so happy of the direction of this change. Power to the women!



This is a story of borders, in those no man’s lands where the whore is a saint and the thief is your best friend. There I met Trader, trying to trade his soul for some fun. “It’s all fun” he told me “No worries”. Then he fragged me laughing. I had his soul in exchange and I can confirm that it was a very remarkable object. “Am I the best of worst or the worst of best?” He asked me. But as I was searching for an answer he disappeared. And he got his soul back.

If you meet him please beware: he is such a good guy!


“Done,” he said to himself, with a smile of satisfaction. “Done.” He stretched out in his chair. After all, it only took him 16 hours of his 48-hour day. He looked out the window. Outside it was late at night, the lights of the buildings glittering in the distance. He narrowed his eyes and for a moment pretended that it was a fantastic city, with white towers rising against the sky. He took a bite of cheese naan. Then on his screen, the only light that illuminated the dark room, a new message appeared. “we need more.” He barely sighed, then smiled. His fingers began to dance fast on the keyboard again. “okay, no problem, I can do it, give me a minute.”


“Bravery without forethought, causes a man to fight blindly and desperately like a mad bull. Such an opponent, must not be encountered with brute force, but may be lured into an ambush and slain.” – Anemoi. I hope that I am the new generation of AC try-hards and wouldn’t be shocked if I haven’t teabagged you already!



B[ ]

Standing upon a mountain of skulls / An epic battle wages to-and-fro / War cries belted in voice chat calls / Attacking for 15 minutes or more / Who will win is not yet known / The enemy peers around a broken wall / They sharply train their wits and mouses / Dain steps in front; he begins to fall / The enemy withdraws back to the shadows / “A plague on both your houses!” – B[] calls / He squats over Dain’s dead body / “Do not go gentle into that good night!” / In last-ditch desperation he switches to a shotty / Firing aimlessly at where the enemy was / He has not given up, he continues to fight! / A fallen team mate, neigh, a friend / Soaked hopelessly in their blood and gore / He once more rises, to do battle again! / For he is immortal, like the sun / “Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!”


In the early days Jiba could be found wandering the wastelands of the cube landscape, being pawned by once great legends of yesteryear. Following the guidance of great past icons and through determination he crafted his skills to reforge the landscape. After a long departure from cubeland jiba has returned; they thought he had gone soft, but he still has many grievances to get off his chest!



I do not play the way you play. The way you move isn’t the way I move. For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I think surpasses the way you think, and the way I frag is beyond the way you frag. Just as rain and snow descend from the skies and don’t go back until they’ve watered the earth. So will the bullets that come out of my guns not come back empty-handed. They will do the work I sent them to do. They will complete the assignment I gave them.






Single-handedly ate an ice-cream on a stick.














Hatched in 1954 making me 68 years old. I began playing AC in 2008 and quickly became a founding member of DES. Since then I’ve been in 4 other clans. 40+ KH Wy6 and now proudly, ZZ. I retired from a career in Law Enforcement but all of my spare time has been spent as a musician and graphics artist. I play guitar and drums and fart around on keyboards. I retired from doing live shows during the pandemic of 2020. I love making people laugh. Laugh at my jokes dammit. You will never hear me use the word “hate”… what an ugly word that is. I’m friendly and empathetic and stay as far away from drama as I can. Skills wise I’d consider myself to be moderate. Talk to me, I love u ! ! ! I’m also kind of pervy but hope not to offend.



Some people are nothing more than a web of rumors. Others born as legends. And a few, made into myths from ages long past. But ac has one deity born from folklore, bore from within the deepest depths of the most entrenched forests and shattered lands.. A wise fox born of the underworld’s demonic tribes, and with many a name, would walk among the living; bearing many a gift for those it befriended. New worldly knowledge, many a pelt, food, even new weaponry. But for those that would dare raise a pitchfork and torch, in an attempt to return the beast to it’s own domain…? Let’s just say it never ends well for them…

Many a civilization prospered, and many crumbled underneath his prowess. Beware, oh fair wanderer! Keettu can be your friend, or be your ultimate foe; for he does not discriminate when there are souls to rend, and new seeds to sew …










The nick is funny (half Batman- half Mr. Magoo). The guy is not. Beware. Killer bass player, killer player. Killer.







A constant flux. Think about a river: its water never stops. That is Gy_be. You can lift your fists to the sky or open your hands to show that you are harmless and come in peace. Mercy, they say, it is not something from this world. Gy-be is. So he will be merciful, occasionally. Just ask him.

And hey, do not forget: he is our Ambassador for Russia (but not Ukraine: that is another place).











Fede (aka Federico, oNe|Fede, Fd|Fede, fdrc).





Zelos7 aka Z3l0$7







Insane (cheat)

Kostya (behavior)