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In loving memory of Elias (Armed)

The community around this wierd mod of an old game is so interesting. I feel like every few months I see something in it that I did not expect. And it doesn't feel like it's slowing down

Elias (Armed)24.09.2000. † 15.08.2024

This page is a small betrayal. Elias – whom we all knew by his nickname, Armed – might not have wanted this: he might not have wanted to see his picture, his name. Because Elias was an extremely private person. But in his secrecy (which on the web is a valuable asset and a necessary consideration), he was also able to offer enormous confidence and trust to the people he came into contact with.
Forgive us Elias. But we need this now. To talk to you again, to remember. To see your face, which you never showed before.

The messages you see here below, which are ideally addressed to your family, to which our small community of gamers from all over the world clings, stand testimony to one thing above all: your integrity, your having one and only one face. Your being yourself, always, without masks, and your ability to give support, despite what you were going through, to others, whatever their problem, whatever the issue. You knew how to help, your words – measured, carefully chosen, slowly spoken – had weight and effect.

You knew how to enter every subject with grace and competence. You rarely got angry, and even when you did – usually in the face of some injustice – you contained your anger. And you always knew how to withdraw in silence.
I, who write here now but am only a spokesman for this group of friends, had nicknamed you ‘boy wonder’, because your presence was really a wonder. You had not liked it. Only when, some time later, I explained to you that it was the name that had been given to Irving Thalberg, who at the age of 20 became the first producer of Universal Pictures, did you begin to tolerate it a little. At least it wasn’t a superhero nickname. Because you didn’t want compliments, you always wanted to belittle yourself and say that no, you weren’t exceptional, it wasn’t exceptional the way you accepted your illness or the very possibility of dying young. Your humour was not exceptional, even in the face of the enormous suffering you told me about. Your hope for recovery and your faith in medical science were not exceptional.

But on all this you were wrong. You were exceptional and it was wonderful spending time with you. And we will miss you immensely.

with Love, your friend Ketar



Hello, I am very sorry for your loss, I send you my deepest condolences.
Elias was one of the most kind and wise person I ever met. Although we were the same age, he inspired me greatly. He always had the right words to say and always something to teach us.
When I lost one of my loved one, he was asking me almost every day how I felt and if I needed any help, he truly helped me a lot.
I will always remember him and our countless conversations. It was about much more than a game, we were mostly talking about life and everything.
He will remain in our hearts forever as an example of what it means to be an incredible person.

Dennis (Chill)


Liebe Familie von Elias,
mein Name ist Dennis und ich kannte Elias durch ein Computerspiel. Nur dadurch. Für mich war er ganz nüchtern betrachtet nur eine Stimme im Headset.
Doch Elias war ein wunderbarer, aufgeschlossener, stets positiver, freundlicher, zuvorkommender und intelligenter junger Mann. Ich bin froh, ihn etwas kennengelernt zu haben. Elias war, trotz seiner Krankheit, immer positiv und hat immer mit einem Lächeln in die Zukunft geblickt. Wir haben viel auch über private Dinge gesprochen, z.b. über seine Schule. Er war der erste, der mir erklärte, was eine Waldorfschule ist und wie es dort so ist. Ich fand das total spannend. Es schmerzt mich sehr, dass so ein toller junger Mann schon von uns gehen musste. Ich wünsche euch ganz viel Kraft in dieser schweren Zeit. Ich werde Elias nie vergessen.

Seán (Pomps)


To the family of Elias. My name is Seán, I am from Ireland.

First and foremost, my deepest condolences. I am very sorry for the loss of your son.
He was a pure gentleman, a truly lovely person.
I was one of his friends online with many other people in our little group on an old game we would play and hang out on. Chat, play, joke and pass the time. I remember when he first told me he wasn’t well in a private message and the shock I & we all felt when he told us the news.
But I always remember, and I told him once as well, You’re always in a good mood, as if everything was great and normal, and he told me, “Being sad won’t change anything, mate.” He had such an amazing attitude towards life; if we all could have even a small percentage of his attitude, then we would all be much better people, that’s for sure.

If I may give one personal little story, I wasn’t playing for a while with all of them online, and he called me on Instagram one evening to make sure I was doing okay and ended up talking for about two hours, and that is the type of man your son was—he never wanted people to be sad or down, and for us all to get along, he didn’t have one bad bone in his body.
He was an amazing young man, and for that, he is surely resting in the highest heavens looking down with a smile because
I never heard him without one on his face. Please know your son was one of a kind, and we all here we miss him terribly, we love him and will always remember him, and that’s a promise.

As we say in Ireland at sad times like this, “He isn’t gone; he is only in the next room, and we will see him again.” ❤️



My deepest condolences to his family and friends.

Elias was the type of person who always had a good word, I remember that even when he didn’t know me long time ago, he was really inclusive with all people, including me and taking conversations with really good mood. I don’t know, I’ve always thought that how there are people that down to earth, and with that age. Other thing that surprised me was his courage, because he always defended what he thought it was fair (and what it is), and face the situations explaining why he defends his ideals and friends.

We had so much fun in the game and taking some time to talk and relax, making it a very comfortable site to stay and forget the notion of time.

He was a really loved person in our online game clan, it is such a loss and very sad. I really understand the pain it should be for you. We will really miss him so much… I know now it is really hard to overcome these unfair thing of life, but I really wish that his family and friends, in some time, could have a normal life and, of course, you will never forget him and think about him as he was. In his good moments and all the kind things you lived with him.

I send all my support from Spain. We are from different parts of the world, but we all want the best for his family and just saying a special consideration for his parents, as I think they are the people who made him how he was:
I really thank you for raising him the form you did. I imagine that, thinking about how he was online, he should had been a fantastic person as lots of people shows some more “evil” in internet as they are more anonymous. He never did that, always loyal to who he is, and the values and ideals he had, really, it is not usual in a 23 years old person. Thank you and all our support from our community.



Elias was one of those people you couldn’t meet without being marked by his kindness, intelligence, and maturity. He had impressive knowledge for his age, and his French was remarkable. Several times, he impressed me! And it was clear that he loved learning new things.

Elias leaves behind the memory of a wonderful, kind person. That’s what we will keep in mind. He will forever remain in the hearts of those who had the chance to cross his path, and he will continue to live on in us through these memories.

We will remember him as a fighter, always positive despite the trials life imposed on him. His strength impresses us and teaches us all to persevere. Elias will never be forgotten, as his spirit and courage remain alive in each of us.

We spent beautiful evenings discussing and playing, and I think these moments brought him joy, as they did for me! Certainly, he leaves a huge void behind… but he has left us with the image of an upstanding person, and sincerely, he is now everywhere we are. He is missed… but we had the chance to meet him.

Thank you very much for allowing us to have Elias in our lives. We will remember him forever, and he taught us a valuable lesson: to fully embrace our lives.



Goodbye my friend,
I thought you were healed and after this terrible news I regret my unjustified absence. No excuse is valid. I would have liked to play together a few more long hours which will never be long enough. I remember your arrival among us, your beginnings among our little family, our games together. You were of unparalleled admiration, exceptional kindness and remarkable French. I hope that our hours of 1 versus 1 before your stay in the hospital could have helped you. On my side I loved it and I would do it again without any hesitation. I have one last regret: not having insisted that you accept my help: I would have done my best for you.
Good Luck at your family

I love you my friend , rest in peace

Lorenzo (Dain)


We were playing the same online game when I first met Elias. It was at a point where I was very frustrated with the game and was about to leave. I was 51 at the time, but even that didn’t deter him. Elias gave me some words of encouragement and even took it upon himself to train me 1 on 1, numerous times. This was the sort of kind and giving person that Elias was. He barely knew me then, yet was willing to help me. We formed a good friendship after that and I eventually joined the same clan (ZZ) as him. I will be forever grateful for that, as I have met many more awesome people in ZZ that I consider true friends. He was young, yet showed maturity of men double his age.

Thank you Elias for your kind spirit and generosity. You will be missed and not forgotten. Rest in peace, brother 🙏💙



He was a rly good guy. he was one of the guys from ZZ who also introduced me to inters. When i released Promod, he was very supportive, he was one of the reasons why I was motivated to work on the project more and push more updates. His death I feel is a big loss for the community, not only was he a skilled player with integrity, but he was overall a good person in real life as well, he never displayed hatred towards anyone as far as i know, was rly mature and kind hearted soul. I recall when someone wished him bad irl, he didn’t do the same, didn’t point him out for that and forgave him for that, that is really not an easy thing to do honestly. Not to mention he was very articulate and reasonable as well. I really hope his parents remain strong, although this loss is monumental and really painful.

Let the good soul rest in peace.



Das mich die traurige Nachricht über Elias so berührt, hätte ich vorher nicht geglaubt. Wir kannten uns nicht so gut wie einige andere Spieler und sicherlich hätten in einer kleinen Schriftart die Worte welche wir austauschten Platz auf einer DIN A4 Seite gefunden.

Doch sie genügten um eine besondere Beziehung zu ihrem Sohn auf zu bauen. Einem ganz außergewöhnlichen Menschen dessen Herzen für andere größer war als für sich selbst.

Bevor ich ein Spiel öffnete ertappte ich mich oft dabei wie ich dachte, es wäre schön heute wieder auf “armed” zu treffen. Seine Worte waren immer gewählt mit Sinn, Herz und Verstand. Er war sich nie zu schade für ein freundliches “Hallo”.

Wenn an dieser Stelle der Spruch “Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Baum” eine Gültigkeit hat, dann müssen die Eltern von Elias wunderbare, warmherzige Menschen sein.

Mein aufrichtiges Mitgefühl und viel Kraft in der Zukunft.

Ich weiß schon heute, immer wenn ich an einem Spiel teilnehmen werde, wird mein erster Gedanke Elias gehören.

Er wird für immer in unseren Herzen bleiben.